Full Name
Sachin Chaudhari
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Paradiso Software
Speaker Bio
Sachin Chaudhari, commonly known as Sach Chaudhari, is a distinguished thought leader, technologist, Harvard Business School alumnus, and business strategist. With an impressive career spanning over twenty years in technology and business consulting, Sach founded and grew the Paradiso Group of companies and two AI startups. His expertise is underscored by eleven patents in software technology, reflecting his strong technical foundation and deep research in AI.

Sach is a respected member of the Forbes Council, and as an AI consultant has been at the forefront of leveraging artificial intelligence to drive innovation and efficiency. He has successfully implemented AI-driven solutions in diverse industries, ranging from healthcare and finance to education and government sectors. His notable projects include the development of Paradiso LMS, an AI-based learning management system, and CogniSpark AI, an AI-driven authoring tool that has revolutionized corporate training and employee engagement.

Sach's ability to blend technical prowess with strategic business insights has enabled him to transform over 1,000 organizations across more than 30 countries. His innovative approaches to AI and technology make him a sought-after consultant and advisor for corporations, educational institutions, and government sectors worldwide. His work has led to significant cost reductions, process optimizations, and enhanced decision-making capabilities for his clients.

In addition to his consulting achievements, Sach is a prolific speaker and author, sharing his knowledge and insights at major international conferences and in leading industry publications. His commitment to continuous learning and staying ahead of technological advancements ensures that his clients always benefit from cutting-edge solutions. Sach's dedication to fostering exponential growth and his visionary leadership continue to inspire and drive success in the global technology landscape. His skill in turning complex AI concepts into practical strategies has made him a recognized leader in the industry.
Sachin Chaudhari